Tag - ivf treatment

Fertility treatment in Singapore: What is IVF?

Through a carefully planned process, eggs are retrieved and combined with sperm for fertilisation. The fertilised embryos are cultured further to become a blastocyst before transferring back to the uterus for implantation (fresh embryo transfer). The remaining utilisable embryos can be frozen and...

The causes of male infertility

Male infertility is often caused by sperm abnormalities in male. Abnormality in sperm production or function may cause chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo, resulting in a non-viable pregnancy which would eventually lead to a miscarriage. (more…)

IVF injections: Tips for fertility shots

For women pursuing in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), you will most likely be given fertility medications for ovarian stimulation. These medications come in the form of injections and are usually self- administered. It can be a challenging experience to have multiple IVF injections a day, even for...

How should I start my fertility treatment?

If you and your spouse have decided to seek fertility treatment after failing to conceive your own for a long time, you may call and book an appointment with your fertility doctor. During your first visit, your doctor may ask questions regarding both of your...
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