Artificial Intelligence-Embryo Selection

What is Artificial Intelligence-Embryo Selection?

Typically, embryo selection is done by embryologists based on their experience and observational skills. The manual assessment is guided by international grading standards or assisted by time-lapse monitoring. However, this process may not always select the best embryo from the cohort.

Artificial intelligence (AI)-embryo selection is an automated system that analyses embryos to select the most viable embryo for transfer. Using deep learning over tens of thousands of globally-sourced embryo images with known outcomes, it identifies complex morphological features and patterns, which are invisible to the human eye. The AI system combines these different contributions in the right proportion to give an overall assessment – the implantation potential score (AI Score).

The AI-model of analysis are intended for Day 5 blastocysts.

How is the analysis performed?​

​Microscopic images of each blastocyst are uploaded to the AI software. An embryo assessment report is generated instantly. Here, the implantation potential of every embryo is reflected by the AI score. The blastocysts with the highest score are prioritized for transfer.

The benefits of AI-Embryo Selection

Artificial Intelligence (AI) helps identify the most viable embryo and serves as a decision support tool for our embryologists. Selecting viable embryos more accurately, potentially, reduces the number of embryo transfers needed and, therefore, shortens the time to pregnancy*. It assists the couple in deciding if another IVF cycle is required.

​* Calculated as the number of cycles needed to achieve clinical pregnancy based on the retrospective ranking analysis.

Indications to use AI-Embryo Selection:

  • ​Women who have supernumerary blastocysts for embryo transfer.
  • Women who are discerning between a cohort of good-quality blastocysts for embryo transfer.
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